Now that we’re using Zoom, please follow these best practice techniques in order to make our services as effective as possible:

  1. Turn on your audio and video at least 10 minutes before the meeting starts. You will be in a “waiting room” until the host starts the session.
  2. Check your lighting to ensure picture quality is clear.
  3. Make sure your appearance is appropriate. (you can show a still photo of yourself if you want.)
  4.  Make sure your background is simple and appropriate.
  5. Move close enough to the camera so that your face is clear and not just showing the top of your head.
  6. Sit straight and look at the camera.
  7. Make sure your name is displayed instead of your phone or tablet name. (Hover over where it displays your phone name or tablet name and click Rename).
  8. Refrain from private behavior, i.e. eating, blowing your nose, etc.
  9. Find a private place where there is no interruption.
  10. Do not call the host when the meeting has started.
  11. If you are not already muted, please mute yourself and wait for the host to unmute you. (Hover over your name, then click to mute).
  12. Please use the “Raise your Hand” icon  to comment or ask a question. (Click” participants” at the bottom of the screen. The “raise hand” and “lower hand” are below the participants name.  If you don’t see the raise hand or lower hand, click “more” to display the icons).